ComputEL-6 Final Call For Papers

Sixth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages


The ComputEL-6 workshop focuses on the use of computational methods in the study, support, and revitalization of endangered languages. The primary aim of the workshop is to continue narrowing the gap between computational linguists interested in methods for endangered languages, field linguists documenting these languages, and the language communities who are striving to maintain their languages.

We take seriously the goal of reaching all relevant communities. To support this goal, we hold ComputEL in conjunction with computational linguistics conferences and language documentation conferences. ComputEL-6 will be co-located with the 8th International Conference on Language Documentation and Revitalization (ICLDC8).

Workshop format/venue and the COVID-19 pandemic

ComputEL-6 will be held virtually on March 5 and March 6, 2023, following the 8th International Conference of Language Documentation and Conservation.

Call for Papers

Papers are invited which explore the interface and intersection of computational linguistics, documentary linguistics, and community-based language revitalization/conservation efforts. The committee encourages submissions which:

(i) examine the use of specific methods in the analysis of data from low-resource languages, with a focus on endangered languages, or propose new methods for analyzing such data,

(ii) propose new models for the collection, management, and deployment of data in endangered language settings, or

(iii) consider what concrete steps are required to facilitate more fruitful interaction between computer scientists, documentary linguists, and language communities; or

(iv) discuss the evolution and workings of partnerships between language communities, documentary linguists and/or computational linguists in the development of language technology for language revitalization efforts.

The intention of the workshop is not merely to allow for the presentation of research, but also to continue building a network of computational linguists, documentary linguists, and community linguists and language activists who are able to effectively work together and serve their common interests.


Accepted submissions will be allowed 20 minute presentations. Presentations will be pre-recorded. Additionally, presenters will give a live 5-minute summary presentation during the conference. This summary will be followed with a live question and answer period.


Please use the following link to submit your paper:

In line with our goal of reaching different academic communities, we offer two different modes of submission: extended abstract or full paper. Either can be submitted to one of our two tracks: (a) language community perspective and (b) academic perspective. The mode of submission does not influence the likelihood of acceptance. 

Submissions must be uploaded no later than NOVEMBER 20, 2022, 11:59PM (UTC-12 time zone, “anywhere on earth”). Please indicate in the submission which of the two modes (Extended abstract or Full paper) you are submitting to.

All submissions must be anonymous and will be peer-reviewed by the scientific committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by Jan. 20, 2023.

A. Extended abstract:

Please submit anonymous abstracts of up to 1500 words, excluding references. 

B. Full paper:

Please submit anonymously either a) a long paper (max. 8 pages, excluding references) or b) a short paper (max. 4 pages, excluding references).


The authors of selected accepted full papers (long or short) will be invited by the Organizing Committee to submit their papers for online publication via the open-access ACL Anthology.

Special Theme Session: Justice through Technology

In addition to the regular ComputEL-6 programming, this year we will be hosting a special theme session discussion in concert with ICLDC8. In keeping with the theme of ICLDC8, this Special Session at ComputEL-6 will focus on “Justice through Technology”. The goal of this Special Theme Session is to increase our shared understanding of how language technology can help, or harm, the pursuit of social justice and equity.

We invite presentations that address two broad topics: (1) Justice in Data and (2) Justice in Language Technology, within the context of endangered languages and associated communities. Abstracts making reference to an endangered language community should be co-authored with a member of the community.

1. Presentations addressing Justice in Data can engage questions such as:

  • What unique biases exist in data for endangered languages?
  • How can researchers ensure equity when collecting and disseminating data?
  • What role can (and should) equity play in data access rights?
  • What do social justice and equity look like in a researcher-community partnership?
  • What are the key considerations in pursuing justice and equity when working with an endangered language community?

2. Presentations addressing Justice in Language Technology can engage questions such as:

  • How can technologies address social justice and equity?
  • How can technologies support pluricentrism and how can this promote access and social justice?
  • How do the goals and needs of researchers and endangered language communities differ in their approaches to social justice and equity?
  • How can we address potential problems for equity and social justice related to language technology?

In addition to these two topics, more general discussions on the ethics, conception, and practical implementation of social justice through language technology are invited. Ideal submissions should identify an issue and evaluate possible solutions.

Submissions to the Special Theme Session

Please use the following link to submit your paper:

As with the regular session papers, the deadline for the special theme session is November 20, 2022. Please submit anonymous abstracts of up to 1500 words, excluding references. Submissions to this special theme session do not need to conform to ACL Style guides, but must be submitted in PDF. Submissions with participation from community members are strongly encouraged

Important Dates:

  • 20-November-2022 Deadline for submissions
  • 20-January-2023   Notification of acceptance
  • 10-February-2023 Camera-ready papers due
  • 1-March-2023 Presentation uploads due 
  • 5 and 6-March-2023 Workshop

Contact – website and email
For further information, please consult our website: 

or email us at: